The speaking subtest has two role plays specific to each profession.
You get a role card with the following information:
- The setting
- background information for context
- role prompts.
The test lasts approximately twenty minutes. You get three minutes to prepare for each role-play and five minutes to role-play
An interlocutor is supplied to play the patient or the patient’s carer. They don’t take part in marking the role-play.
The role-play is recorded and marked by two trained OET assessors.
Before Role Play
The interlocutor will ask questions about your professional background to help you relax. This part is not assessed.
The interlocutor will end the reading time, and you must begin the role-play.
At the end of each role-play, the interlocutor will say, ‘Thank you. That is the end of the role-play.’
Note: you won’t be penalised if you don’t finish every task on the role card. It’s more important for you to listen to and respond appropriately to what the interlocutor says.