The reading section of the OET exam takes approximately 60 minutes.

There are three parts to the sub-test and there are 42 questions to answer in total.

Part A takes approximately fifteen minutes and parts B and C take 45 minutes combines. 

Part A Outline

There are four texts in part A about the same topic. The texts types are the types of texts that nurses would typically use to find information in the work place.

The questions could be fill the gap, short answer or text matching. There is no time to check your answers.


Part A is marked by OET assessors who use a detailed marking guide.

Part B Outline

Part B consists of six short texts around 100 -125 words long.  Texts include memos, drug policies, procedure policies, emails and manuals that nurses use in their day to day job. 

Each text has one three-option multiple-choice question. 


The questions are marked on computer. Answers are right or wrong.

Part C

There are two texts in part C. Each text is around 800 words long.

Each text is of general interest to health-care workers reading for professional development.


Each text has eight four-option multiple choice questions to answer. 

The test is marked  and automatically scored on computer. Each question is worth one mark.