Nurses standing in hospital hall with notes in hand

There are three parts to the OET listening test. There are a total of 42 questions to answer.

Part A has 24 questions, Part B has six questions, and Part C has 12.

The test lasts approximately 40 minutes.

Part A

Part A is double-marked by two OET-trained assessors using a detailed marking guide.


Two extracts are about five minutes long. You complete notes taken by a healthcare professional during an interview by recording a word or phrase that they hear in the recording.

Answers are recorded in the question booklet as you listen.

You have two minutes to check your answers at the end of part C.

Tip: If your answers are unreadable, they will be marked wrong.

Only write what you hear, and make sure it makes grammatical sense.

Part B

Marked on computer. One mark for each answer.


Three short extracts around 60-90 seconds.

You will listen to typical workplace conversations between colleagues and their patients and answer one three-choice multiple-choice question for each extract.

Part C

Part C contains two extracts, each approximately five minutes long. You listen to a healthcare worker’s interview or a healthcare worker’s presentation about their work with their patients.

Each extract has six four-option multiple-choice questions to answer.

You get 90 seconds to read each extract before the audio begins.