Nurses standing in hospital hall with notes in hand

There are three parts to the reading subtest. There are a total of 42 questions.

  • Part 1 has 20 questions
  • Part 2 has 6 questions
  • Part 3 has 16 questions

The test takes 60 minutes. Part A takes 15 minutes, and parts B and C take 45 minutes in total.

Part A Explained

Part A has four texts related to a single topic. The texts are typical texts that healthcare workers would need to read in the clinical area.

Questions could be:

  • matching
  • gap-fill
  • short answer questions.

Marked by two OET-trained assessors with a detailed marking guide.

Part B Explained

There are six texts. Each text has one three-option multiple-choice question. The texts are 100-200 words long.

The texts are typical workplace texts such as emails, memos, guidelines, policy documents and memos.

The computer marks Part B. Make sure you fully shade only the correct answer. Do not mark any other answer, or the computer will mark it incorrect. The extra marks will confuse the computer.

Part C Explained

There are two long texts, each around 800 words long.

The texts are articles  that provide different perspectives on a topic of general interest to health care workers undertaking professional development.

Each text has eight four-option multiple-choice questions.

Each question is worth one mark, and the answer is either right or wrong. 

Note there is no time at the end to check your answers.